Our Founder
Lisa Casarez is the founder and CEO of Angels of Grace Family Foster Agency. Known throughout the community for her infectious love for abused and neglected children, she is passionate about helping people discover their purpose and passions in life and is a committed advocate for women and children who face issues and have needs in the Central Valley.
Lisa started Angels of Grace in 2000 and has over twenty years of foster care and social agency management experience. Her goal from the beginning was to provide a place of refuge and healing for foster children, a place focused on the children’s emotional and physical needs, to love, nurture, and protect the mind, body, and spirit of the children she serves.
In October 2008, Ms. Casarez, MSW founded the Angels of Grace Safe Haven Transitional Home. This is a nurturing home, which provides housing and independent living skills to emancipated females aging out of the foster care system, between the ages of 18-24
Ms. Casarez has received several awards for her dedication to our community. In 2010, the Central California Hispanic Chamber of Commerce named her Business Woman of the Year. Also in 2010, Ms. Casarez was honored as the Girl Scouts Inspirational Woman of the Year. Valley Public Television and Union Bank of California honored Ms. Casarez with the 5th Annual Local Hero Award. Additionally, Ms. Casarez received special recognition from Assemblywoman Sarah Reyes, for the Hispanic Heritage Leadership Award.
All of these awards came to a cumulation in 2013, when Lisa was named Mother of the Year by the Fresno Women’s Chamber of Commerce..
Angels of Grace
Angels of Grace Foster Family Agency is an agency that provides a place of refuge and healing for foster children. A place where they can receive the nurturing and care that they need from professional social workers and trained foster parents. Every day, they are able to draw strength from the human warmth and affection that has frequently been denied to them.
Our culturally diverse treatment program provides an array of services to families in order to sustain the needs of foster children. Our goal is to remain focused on the children's needs and search for a good foster family that will work with them on their issues and at their level. Thanks to the support of many wonderful people throughout the community, not only are we able to meet the physical needs of foster children, but we get to love, nurture and protect the mind, body and spirit of the children we serve.
Our Team

Gloria Canales
Executive Assistant
Elizabeth Torrones
Social Worker, Supervisor
Social Worker

Social Worker

Social Worker

Ellie Velicescu Accountant

Recruiter/ Admin

Maria Palamares Volunteer

Angels of Grace Foster Family does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, color, sex, national origin, physical or mental disability, or religion.
Angels of Grace Foster Family Agency is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer and we are committed to a policy of equal employment opportunity and we do not discriminate in the terms, conditions, or privileges of employment on account of race, age, color, sex, national origin, physical or mental disability, or religion or otherwise as may be prohibited by federal and state law.
Any employee, board member, volunteer or client who believes that s/he or any other affiliate of Angels of Grace FFA has been discriminated against, is strongly encouraged to report this concern promptly to the Executive Director.
Discriminatory Harassment
Angels of Grace is committed to maintaining a workplace that is free of any such harassment and will not tolerate discrimination against staff members, volunteers and/or agency clients. Issues of discriminatory treatment, harassment, or intimidation on any of these bases should immediately be reported to the Executive Director or immediate supervisor and,
if substantiated, prompt action will be taken.